"All the way through his schooling at Stoke Gabriel Primary my son has been nurtured, supported, encouraged and celebrated for his efforts. The consistency of this amazingly high level of teaching hasn't changed or dropped despite the staff changes that are inevitable in the schooling system today. As a parent I couldn't be more grateful to the School and the Academy for the amazing Primary School experience we have been fortunate enough to have had."


Clubs Spring Term 
Nature Club Thursday 3.20pm until 4.20pm run by Mrs Peakman 
Year 6 club Mondays 3.20pm until 4.20pm run by Mr Somers
Mindfulness club Mondays 3.20pm until 4.20pm run by Ms Gaskin

Choir- Wednesday lunch time run by Ms Middlebrook


Spanish - Friday lunch times


Piano - Tuesdays


Singing - Mondays


Violin - Mondays