"All the way through his schooling at Stoke Gabriel Primary my son has been nurtured, supported, encouraged and celebrated for his efforts. The consistency of this amazingly high level of teaching hasn't changed or dropped despite the staff changes that are inevitable in the schooling system today. As a parent I couldn't be more grateful to the School and the Academy for the amazing Primary School experience we have been fortunate enough to have had."


Welcome to Butterflies Class

Welcome to our class page! Miss McLeod teaches Monday to Friday. Mrs Smith - Wiederkehr and Mrs Peakman also support our learning in class.

We love to work as a team and love to challenge ourselves to be curious. We try our best and have a positive attitude. We take care of each other and make sure our class is a great place to be.



Miss McLeod - Class Teacher

Mrs Smith-Wiederkehr - Teaching Assistant (mornings)

Miss Middlebrook works across KS2 in the afternoons to support with reading and intervention support.

Mrs Peakman- 1:1 support TA  in the afternoons



PE lessons are on a Tuesday with the Class Teacher and on a Thursday with our PE teacher, Mr Tanner. Please ensure that PE kit is worn to school on these days.



Children are expected to read every day at home (this may be independently or to an adult) each day.

Key Stage 2 (y3-6)  children should aim to read for a minimum of around 20 minutes each day and keep a log in their reading records. They are to write the date, title of the book and number of pages/chapters they read. Reading records will be collected in on Mondays and those that have read 5 times the previous week will get a class raffle ticket. Once they have finished a book, they can quiz at home or in school and if they pass the quiz, they can choose another book. 


Children need to also practise their spellings and times tables a couple of times a week. See below for ideas for practising spellings and timetables. Children also have access to Times Tables Rock Stars. Multiplication knowledge is essential for pupils to accelerate their mathematics learning, we therefore ask, that parents support their children to practice time stables at any little opportunity.

We have added some additional homework challenged to the MTP which must be handed in before the end of the half term.

 Spellings are set each Wednesday and tested on the following Wednesday. Please support your child to practice these.
Accelerated Reader
Here at Stoke Gabriel School we use the Accelerated Reader program to monitor children's independent reading once the children have completed our phonics programme (Phonics Bug).
Accelerated Reader is a computer program that helps teachers manage and monitor children's independent reading and comprehension. Your child selects and reads a book at their pace. When they have finished  the children takes a short quiz to assess their reading and comprehension skills. 
Below is a link to the Accelerated Reader website specifically for our school. Your children know their logins and we provide all children who use AR with a bookmark holding all the necessary details.
Click here for the AR website: Welcome (renaissance-go.com)
If you're unsure whether a book from home is on Accelerated Reader then please visit the AR Bookfinder site below to search for yourself. It is not just books from our school library that are available for quizzing!
Please browse this list of regularly updated collections of suggested reading books for children in Key Stage Two (KS2) in UK primary schools. There are lists of the best chapter books for 7-year-olds, 8-year-olds, 9-year-olds, 10 years olds and 11-year-olds in Years 3-6.
Medium Term Plan
Home Learning
Useful links