What funding is available to us?
There are various funding options available and not all of these are means tested. The childcare choices website will provide all of the answers! Homepage | Childcare Choices
How do I apply for funding?
Please have a look at this website which will be able to guide you through this.
There are two different charge rates according to the children's ages. When do these changes come into effect?
Our rates from September 2024 are:£6.00 per hour for 2 year olds and £5.00 per hour for 3&4 year olds
Rates change when a child turns three and the invoicing reflects this.
We aim to keep our prices competitive and these are rising from 5th September 2024 due to increased running costs. This increase remains competitive locally.
Do I have to pay anything towards my child's funded hours?
Funded hours do not require a ‘top up’ payment from parents.
How do I book my child's sessions and how do I change/ increase these?
All bookings must be made via the school office. Please email requests to: sgpreschool@thelink.academy
The grid below shows the minimum turn around for hour changes. If a parent requests a change prior to these dates then these will be discussed at the next admissions meeting after the request was made and therefore not the term before starting. This means we can inform you if the request can be met sooner.
Visit the pre school in: |
Spring Term |
Summer Term |
Autumn Term |
Apply by: |
1 May |
1 September |
1 January |
Admissions panel meet in: |
May |
September |
January |
Receive a letter about your application by: |
May half term |
October half term |
February half term |
Reply to the letter: |
Reply to the letter within 2 weeks to accept a place (or ask why you did not get a place). You can telephone, email or write to the school. |
Reply to the letter within 2 weeks to accept a place (or ask why you did not get a place). You can telephone, email or write to the school. |
Reply to the letter within 2 weeks to accept a place (or ask why you did not get a place). You can telephone, email or write to the school. |
Start at Pre school: |
September- Autumn term |
January - Spring term |
April - Summer term |
How does the outdoor learning run on a Tuesday?
Outdoor learning Tuesday does not have an additional cost and these sessions are open to two and three year olds in discussion with our Pre-school lead. Children need to bring outdoor clothing, spare clothes, wellies and a packed lunch on this day.
What are the aims of your pre-school?
Our fully qualified Early Years practitioners are waiting to welcome you into our lovely setting. You will find us situated in the Old Schoolroom, a grade II listed building situated in Church Walk at the heart of the village, originally built in 1876 as a place for the vicar to teach the children in the beautiful village setting of Stoke Gabriel.
We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum and use Tapestry to observe and plan for our children in collaboration with Reception at school. Our Early Years Lead, Sarah Gaskin, oversees the teaching and learning provision in both settings and Hayley Butler leads the Pre-school. We take up every opportunity to work and play together.
Inside the pre-school room, we turn the room into different areas including the book nook, role play corner, messy play, small world play, and we have English and Maths provision areas. We encourage the children to develop a healthy approach and understanding of their body’s needs for food and drinks. We offer a healthy, varied snack during the session which gives them the opportunity to learn to make the right choices and is a time for social interaction. We love to get outside and this is our theme every Tuesday.
Opposite the Old Schoolroom our children enjoy a beautiful outdoor play area. This provides a natural, safe and aesthetically pleasing environment, with a big climbing frame to practise their motor skills and an open play house which draws out the children’s colourful imaginations. Not only does the play area develop our children’s physical and co-ordination skills as would most play grounds, it encourages role play and the essential development of their social and creative skills.
Can you tell me how your pre-school is run and regulated?
Our pre-school is part of the village Primary School and the Link Academy Trust. The Pre-school Leader and Reception class teacher (EYFS Lead) working closely together on planning and resourcing stimulating and safe learning environments. The Pre-school operates within the Church Rooms and occasionally in the EYFS classroom in the school building where they benefit from use of the school grounds. We have an outdoor classroom on the school field to enhance our time.
We are a small, happy, caring community, always pleased to welcome new children and involve parents. We are inspected by OFSTED and our report is available online and by request.
How can I find out more about your curriculum?
We run according to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) the statutory guidance for development, learning and care in all Early Years Settings. We have information about the principles and practice of the EYFS displayed around the setting and on our Website. Just ask a member of staff if you would like to know anything more about this.
How will I know which staff will be looking after my child and when can I talk to them?
Each child has a key person who will take particular responsibility for them while they are at preschool. You will be introduced to them on your first day and they will work with your child regularly and get to know them really well. Your child can, however go to any of the adults for comfort or help with anything. The leader is always available at the beginning and end of sessions to talk to you or you can always get us on the school email/telephone if you have a query.
Do you keep records of the children’s progress?
Please see the attached letter on Tapestry for details on how we do this.
What if my child has some additional needs?
We welcome all children and their families and give all children the opportunity to learn and develop in our setting in line with Every Child Matters. However, it is very helpful for us if you are able to tell us as much as possible about your child’s needs and then we can make suitable provision for them. If you have any worries about your child’s development, please feel free to talk confidentially to the preschool leader or the school SENDCo (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator).
Do the children have a snack during the session?
There is milk, water, and fruit available every day. The children are encouraged to sit with the group at snack time, as this is a sociable time, full of laughter and positive interaction. Water is available at all times.
If your child needs to have any medication whilst at preschool you will need to fill in and sign a form with a member of staff so we are sure we have all the correct information. We are only able to give your child medication that has been prescribed by a doctor. Ask the preschool leader if you need to know more about this.
Children cannot enjoy preschool if they are unwell so please feel free to keep them at home until you feel they are well enough to return. We ask that if they have had vomiting or diarrhoea that you keep them off for 48 hours after the last ‘episode’. We have a useful reference book at preschool on common childhood ailments; please ask if you would like to see it. If your child is poorly, please could you phone the school ASAP to let us know not to expect your child.
We have very thorough policies and procedures to protect the children but if your child has had an accident we will send your child home with a form detailing the injury and care provided.
My child’s first language is not English is that a problem?
Not at all. It will help them if you can teach us a few key words in their home language but we use signs, gestures, diagrams and demonstrations so we will aim to ensure your child can participate in everything while they are learning to understand and speak English.
Can I be involved?
Yes please! We believe that parents are children’s first and foremost educators. Talking with staff and your child about their learning is important and exciting. You might also like to help in sessions, or if you have a talent you would like to share with the children please tell us. As a small school we are always looking for help. We hold regular ‘love our school’ days where parents and children are invited in to help with gardening, cleaning and decorating. Ask any member of staff for more details.
Outline of a typical day
We have some very simple rules at preschool which we will talk to the children about and encourage them to follow.
We are ready
We are respectful and
We are safe
9.00 am |
Preschool session starts with a free choice session in which the children decide where and what to do, in either of the rooms or outside. Staff will be very happy to help you to settle your child if needed, please do not hesitate to ask. The Pre-school staff will be available on the door if you need to discuss anything at this time too.
9.15 am |
Group time We gather to sing our greeting song. We then count the children and have a brief conversation about the up coming day. The children then self register by finding their name on a Bumblebee. These sessions will be short and involve lots of interaction and children will be encouraged to develop listening and concentration skills as well as getting to know each other better.
9.30 am (approx) |
Child initiated play and activity during which staff support children to develop their learning by choosing from the activities/areas available and then to explore either on their own, with a friend, in a group with or without an adult. During this time staff will be carrying out observations which are then used to plan the next steps for the children. Staff may work with individuals or small groups on planned or spontaneous activities during this period. |
10.00 am |
Snack time children are provided with a healthy snack and drink of milk or water. We offer a buffet style snack where children are encouraged to make choices. They are also supported to pour their own milk or water into an open top cup. This is a social time and children and staff sit together. During this time children have an opportunity to learn about food, aspects of healthy lifestyle and to develop their language and social skills. |
11.00 am
Tidy up time and ready for outside play Tidy up time. We encourage children to care for equipment at all times but at the end of the session staff and children will tidy up together. The children then get ready to play outside by putting on their coats and wellies. This is a great opportunity to build the children’s physical development. |
11.15 am |
Outside play |
11:45 am |
Story and singing time the children join together now for stories and singing. This is a time when we again encourage the children to focus and listen to the adult and to other children as well as to participate. |
12.00pm |
Morning session ends and for some children it will be home time. Lunch time session begins and child initiated play |
12.00 pm |
Lunch time Our cook creates a choice of wonderful home cooked meals on site (menu available from school office). Or children can bring their own packed lunch. Staff sit and eat their lunch with the children, this is a fun and social time. |
1.00 pm |
Lunch session ends |
1.00pm- 3;20 p.m. |
Afternoon session. Depending on numbers, the weather and energy levels this session like the morning ones will be a balance of indoor and outdoor play and learning, quiet time, child initiated learning and small group work, focusing on phonics. It will finish with tidying up and then a whole group activity usually a story or singing. |
If you would like more details about anything mentioned here then feel free to ask a member of preschool staff.
Any concerns? Talk to our Pre-School leader or Academy Head as we’d be happy to help.