Spiders Class is the home to the oldest children in our school – Years 5 and 6.
As role models for younger children, Spiders take their whole school responsibilities seriously. They are expected to model excellent behaviour; to have a positive attitude towards school and learning, and to take pride in their work at all times.
Learning in Spiders is engaging and challenging. Spiders children are excited and enthused in their learning, and make the maximum possible progress, while also developing independence.
Mr Somers- Teacher
Miss Middlebrook - Teaching Assistant (mornings)
Miss Middlebrook works across KS2 in the afternoons to support with reading and interventions.
PE Lessons
Lessons are every Thursday with Mr Somers and on Friday with our PE teacher, Mr Tanner.
Please ensure that PE kit is worn to school on these days.
Homework is designed to encourage independence. Our expectations are as follows:
- Key Stage 2 (y3-6) children should aim to read for a minimum of around 20 minutes each day and keep a log in their reading records. They are to write the date, title of the book and number of pages/chapters they read. Reading records will be collected in on Mondays and those that have read 5 times the previous week will get a class raffle ticket. Once they have finished a book, they can quiz at home or in school and if they pass the quiz, they can choose another book.
- Spellings , daily practice. Children are given new spellings on a Wednesday and are tested on Friday. This week's spellings are available below.
- Times Tables practice - this should include at least 15 x 1 minute sessions on TT Rock Stars (children all have their unique user ID and password which can be used to access from home) or a Rapid Recall Sheet.
On the MTP below you will see that we have included the half termly homework project that must be handed in before the half term holiday.