"All the way through his schooling at Stoke Gabriel Primary my son has been nurtured, supported, encouraged and celebrated for his efforts. The consistency of this amazingly high level of teaching hasn't changed or dropped despite the staff changes that are inevitable in the schooling system today. As a parent I couldn't be more grateful to the School and the Academy for the amazing Primary School experience we have been fortunate enough to have had."


We would like to extend a warm welcome to you and your child to Bumblebees - Stoke Gabriel Pre School.

Our fully qualified Early Years practitioners are waiting to welcome you into our lovely setting. You will find us situated in the Old Schoolroom, a grade II listed building situated in Church Walk at the heart of the village, originally built in 1876 as a place for the vicar to teach the children in the beautiful village setting of Stoke Gabriel.

We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum and use Tapestry to observe and plan for our children in collaboration with Reception at school. Our Early Years Lead, Sarah Gaskin, oversees the teaching and learning provision in both settings. We take up every opportunity to work and play together.

Inside the pre-school room, we turn the room into different areas including the book nook, role play corner, messy play, small world play, and we have English and Maths provision areas. We encourage the children to develop a healthy approach and understanding of their body’s needs for food and drinks. We offer a healthy, varied snack during the session which gives them the opportunity to learn to make the right choices and is a time for social interaction.


Opposite the Old Schoolroom our children enjoy a beautiful outdoor play area. This provides a natural, safe and aesthetically pleasing environment, with a big climbing frame to practise their motor skills and an open play house which draws out the children’s colourful imaginations. Not only does the play area develop our children’s physical and co-ordination skills as would most play grounds, it encourages role play and the essential development of their social and creative skills.


Ofsted visited in February 2014 and said that 'staff provide a welcoming stimulating environment where children learn through play and exploration', as well as suggesting that 'children confidently choose what they want to play with and are eager to learn'. A rating of 'good' was awarded in the 3 areas considered when inspecting the setting. The 3 areas being: How well the provision meets the needs of the children, the contribution of the provision to the children's well-being and the effectiveness of the leadership and management of the provision.


We offer outdoor learning on a Tuesday where we make great use of our local area and outdoor classroom which is situated on our field.  


We look forward to welcoming you and your children to our happy little pre-school.